Key Endorsements

The following community leaders understand the duties and responsibilities of being the Mayor of our great city and the qualifications required to perform the job.  They have watched the progress the city has made over the last four years and are supporting me in my reelection efforts. 

City Council Members
Stewart Harman
Brian Horrocks 
Conrad Jacobson 
Matt Jensen 
Stan Porter 
Planning Commission Members
Robert Drinkall
Kim Jensen 
Ted Knowlton 
Ryan Mumford 
Bruce Oblad 

Past Mayors of our City
Shanna Schaefermeyer
(Mayor NSL 2006-2010)
Kay Briggs
(Mayor NSL 2002-2006)
Jim Dixon
(Mayor NSL 1998-2001)
Jake Simmons
(Mayor NSL 1986-1993)

Local State Representatives
Representative Becky Edwards
(State Legislature)

Senator Ted Weiler
(State Legislature)